Water Safety | Autumn Meet

Book your place! - our first Water Safety social is happening on Thursday 30th September!

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Since we kicked off at the beginning of the year, we’ve been asking and listening to what is needed locally. One of the recurring requests has been for advice and training on how to interact with our waters and coastlines safely - whether as a beginner or as someone getting back in the water. So, in the first of our Water Safety meets, we’ve partnered with RNLI ObanOban Sailing Club and Scottish Sea Farms with an event focused on open-water swimming and paddle boarding

The event is part of a series of quarterly socials, designed to offer sport-specific advice whilst also providing somewhere for like-minded people to meet each other. Safety in numbers is key to being sensible on and in the water, so why not come along, learn something new and meet someone new. 

This meet will involve talks and Q&A from Oban lifeboat’s coxswain Ally Cerexhe, crew member Leonie Mead and Cara Redpath from their Water Safety team, as well as swimmers Max & Stacey Holloway and paddle boarders Andy & Laura Corbe - followed by a short guided swim/paddle suitable for all levels. Over the next few weeks leading up to the event, we’ll be sharing a little bit of background on each of our speakers, so keep an eye on our socials to find out more.

The event is taking place at 6pm on Thursday the 30th of September, at Oban Sailing Club. Places are free but limited so will need to be booked in advance via the following Eventbrite link:


April Newsletter: Everybody meet Barry!


September Newsletter: We won an award!